Health & Safety

Our Full Health & Safety policy is available upon request and covers the following: 


1.1 Health and Safety Policy Statement
2.0 Organisation, Roles & Responsibilities
2.01 Directors Health and Safety Responsibilities
2.02 Management responsibilities
2.03 Technicians Responsibilities
2.04 Staff responsibilities
2.05 Sub-contractors/Supply Chain/self-employed personnel
2.06 Communication & Consultation
2.07 Working time regulations
2.08 Working Practices
2.09 Disciplinary Rules (Gross Misconduct)
2.10 Working Conditions Environment
2.11 Protective Clothing & Equipment
2.12 Fire Precautions
2.13 Accidents
2.14 Health
2.15 Employer’s Transport
2.16 BiCSc Colour Coding for Hygiene
3.00 Arrangements for Health & Safety
3.01 Access and egress
3.02 Accident/injury statistics
3.03 Accident reporting procedure
3.04 Aids/HIV
3.05 Asbestos
3.06 Bomb Alert Procedure
3.07 Confined Spaces
3.08 Contractors
3.09 Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) assessments
3.10 Dangerous Substances
3.11 Disabled Persons Safety
3.12 Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
3.13 Driving
3.14 Drugs & Alcohol
3.15 Electricity & Portable Appliance Testing
3.16 Electric Shock and CPR
3.17 Fire Precautions, Evacuation Procedures and Notices
3.18 First aid
3.19 Gas cylinders

3.20 Gas safety, Installations and Appliances
3.21 Hazard detection procedures
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3.22 Health surveillance
3.23 Housekeeping
3.24 Infection Control
3.25 Information, instruction and training
3.26 Language
3.27 Latex gloves
3.28 Legionella
3.29 Lighting
3.30 Lifting Operations and Equipment
3.31 Lone working
3.32 Maintenance
3.33 Manual handling
3.34 Mobile telephones
3.35 New and expectant mothers at work
3.36 Night Working
3.37 Noise at work
3.38 Pandemics
3.39 Permits to Work
3.40 Personal Protective Equipment
3.41 Personal hygiene
3.42 Pesticides
3.43 Risk assessments
3.44 Safe Guarding
3.45 Safety signs
3.46 Safe us of ladders and stepladders
3.47 Smoking in the workplace
3.48 Stress in the workplace
3.49 Temporary Staff
3.50 Training for Health & Safety
3.51 Visitors
3.52 Waste disposal
3.53 Welfare
3.54 Work equipment
3.55 Working at height
3.56 Young persons at work

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