Trouble with Cockroaches?
Ark provide pest control solutions to cockroach infestations in London, the South East, the North West, the North and the Midlands.
- Adults – 12 – 15mm long.
- Pronotum yellow with 2 dark brown stripes.
- The wings are as long as the body or slightly overlapping on males.
- Long antennae and spiny legs with 2 anal cerci visible on females.
- Eggs – Each ootheca (egg case) is around 6mm long and contains 30 – 40 eggs.
- Females carry the ootheca until just before it hatches – some 2 – 4 weeks later.
- Nymphs – will hatch and pass through 5-7 moults before reaching maturity. This is hugely influenced by temperature.
- Adults – emerge between 2 ½ months and 6 months later usually living for around 6 months.
Habits & Behaviour:
- Being nocturnal they hide in the cracks and crevices around sinks, cookers and motor compartments of house hold appliances.
- They can scale rough and smooth surfaces.
- Mostly found in the heated areas of buildings such as kitchens and boiler rooms as they need high temperatures for optimum breeding.
- Being omnivorous they scavenge for organic material.
- They also need to be near a water source for regular drinking.
Cockroaches are very common in commercial premises associated with the production or handling of food. - Egg cases or adults can be transported into your premises on incoming crates, packaging and laundry.
- Adults – 17 – 30 mm long.
- Their colour is a dark brown almost shiny black.
- Head tucked beneath pronotum, long antennae and spiny legs with 2 anal cerci.
- It is dangerous to swat a wasp near its nest site or to attempt to remove the nest yourself, as wasps can sting repeatedly.
- The wings are undeveloped in female but on the male they cover two-thirds of his abdomen.
- Eggs – ootheca (around 5 laid at intervals by female) each contain on average 16 eggs.
- These are deposited when they are fully formed in harbourages. Incubation is 6 – 12 weeks later dependent on temperature.
- Nymphs – progress through 7-10 moults before reaching maturity. Developing into adults may take up to 18 months.
- Adults – can live up to 6 months.
Habits & Behaviour:
- Cockroaches are very common in commercial premises associated with the production or handling of food.
- Egg cases or adults can be transported into your premises on incoming crates, packaging and laundry.
- They can survive lower temperatures than other cockroaches so can also be found outdoors.
- Mostly found less cooler, less humid areas such as basements and drains.
- Oriental cockroaches can climb rough but not smooth vertical surfaces.
- Can spread various human diseases by walking over food and preparation areas.
- Omnivorous they can survive for longs periods of time on a limited food source.
- Being nocturnal could mean you do not notice them during the day.
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