Pest Control Honey Bees

Honey Bees

Honey Bees Honey bees are of a huge benefit to the environment because of the role that they play in the pollination process. They rarely cause a problem as a pest, however they can establish a home in some unwanted locations and in close vicinity to human life, which can cause some concern. Because of…

Pest Control Ants


Trouble with Ants? Ark provide pest control solutions to ant infestations in London, the South East, the North West, the North and the Midlands. Garden Ant – Learn More Appearance: Workers 4-5mm long. Queens 15mm long. Dark brown-black in colour. 1 small segment at waist point (pedicel). No sting present. Lifecycle: Queens over winter in…

Pest Control Flies


Trouble with Flies? Ark provide pest control solutions to fly infestations in London, the South East, the North West, the North and the Midlands. Flies – Learn More There are around 6500 species of fly living in Britain. Fortunately the pesticides that are used for fly eradication cover all types and species. Various different techniques…

Pest Control Squirrels


Trouble with Squirrels? Ark provide pest control solutions to squirrel infestations in London, the South East, the North West, the North and the Midlands. Squirrels – Learn More Appearance: Head and body length: 25-26.5cm. Weight (adult): about 500gm.- Tail length: around 22cm Grey fur with large bushy tails Lifecycle: Squirrels breed around February/March and occasionally…

Pest Control Foxes


Trouble with Foxes? Ark provide pest control solutions to fox infestations in London, the South East, the North West, the North and the Midlands. Foxes – Learn More Appearance: Average 60 – 90cms head & body length but can reach 1.5m.Male Foxes average weight is about 10kgs and the female Fox is 8kgs. The colour…

Pest Control Moths


Trouble with Moths? Ark provide pest control solutions to moth infestations in London, the South East, the North West, the North and the Midlands. Moths – Learn More There are around 800 different types of moths across Britain, and 2400 species recorded in the British Isles. Fortunately the pesticides that are used for moth eradication…

Pest Control Pigeons


Trouble with Pigeons? Ark provide pest control solutions to pigeon infestations in London, the South East, the North West, the North and the Midlands. Pigeons – Learn More Description of Appearance: Length: 29-33cm. Weight: 260-580g. Grey, slightly iridescent feathers on the neck that shine pink and green in the sunlight. Other colours include white, brownish-red,…

Pest Control Wasps


Trouble with Wasps? Ark provide pest control solutions to wasp infestations in London, the South East, the North West, the North and the Midlands. For Honey Bees click here. Wasps – Learn More Appearance: Length: 10 – 12mm Thorax: Black with Yellow on its sides. Abdomen: Yellow with Black bands. Antennae: Black. Legs: Yellow. 2…

Pest Control Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

Trouble with Bed Bugs? Ark provide pest control solutions to bed bugs infestations in London, the South East, the North West, the North and the Midlands. Bed Bugs – Learn More Appearance: The eggs are tiny and hard to see with a white cap Adults – around 6mm their bodies are oval and flattened. Recently…

Pest Control Fleas


Trouble with Fleas? Ark provide pest control solutions to flea infestations in London, the South East, the North West, the North and the Midlands. Fleas – Learn More Various Species: Cat Flea (Ctenocephalidesfelis) Dog Flea (Ctenocephalidescanis) Human Flea (Pulexirritans) Bird Flea (Ceratophyllusgallinae) Appearance: Length: Around 2mm. Compressed flattened bodies with over lapping toughened plates. Long…